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Reclaiming my title: Runner.

I’ve been cautious. Not wanting to jinx any recovery that is taking place, but I’m ready to announce that I think I’m back to running. (Very short distances with a day of recovery in between each run).

I was diagnosed with peroneal tendonitis in both ankles at the end of January. I was completely off running till a gorgeous early spring day lured me to three cautious miles on March 16th. Since then, I’ve been keeping up with PT once a week (plus lots of stretching, squats and hip-strengthening exercises at home), as well as cycling at the gym 2-3 times per week.

Three miles on Saturday mornings with the SoundRunner crew in Branford have been my norm since mid March, but this week I stepped it up a bit. I have successfully added in 1-1.5 miles at a painfully slow (although not painful!) pace before my cycling/PT routine twice this week. I gave the running a rest today in favor of the complete PT routine, but I’m going to try adding it back in tomorrow.

Another thing that helps, these babies:


If you’re gonna go compression socks, go big or go home. I think hot pink argyle captures that mentality perfectly. Also, do not be afraid to ice whenever you need to ice. Even if you’re at work and you have to use a resistance band to attach a cold pack to your lower leg because you can’t afford those super-fancy 110% Compression socks. Image

I’m writing it down so I can’t deny it in the future: healthy running means strength training and proper recovery!

Dear running,

I’ve missed you. I’ve been a giant crankypants for two months since we’ve been apart. I’m so glad we’re back together. You’re my favorite.



The Fast and the Fabulous

Running gear that goes the distance and looks great doing it!

McMiller PDX

small victories are the fuel of life

...The Traveling Powells...

small victories are the fuel of life

multiple myeloma for dummies

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They Might Be Scientists

Just another weblog