Blog Archives

Spring in my step

What puts a spring in your step?

This blog highlights several hobbies of mine that brighten my day. Recently, I’ve jumped two feet back into running. It feels so good to be back to running 3-4 miles a few times during the week. Last Wednesday, I joined about 16 other runners for an Asics-sponsored evening run at my local running store, soundRUNNER in Branford. Asics was demoing the new Gel-Cumulus. I’m a stability shoe wearer so I declined on the demo, but reports from my fellow runners were all positive. We ended the evening back at the store with beer and free T-shirts for all! Way to go, soundRUNNER for your continued support in fostering the running community!

What else put a spring in my step this weekend? A SIX mile long run! (Longest since the fateful pre-tendonitis-diagnosis 10 miler that did me in)! And, two garden plots of my very own.

I had two beautiful raised garden beds when I lived in Oregon and I missed that fresh produce and the peaceful feelings gardening provides during my first year in Connecticut. Last year, I made do with a re-purposed shipping palate that I converted into an herb garden behind my apartment. This year I have two 3×6 ft plots in the Mansfield Community Garden sponsored by the New Haven Land Trust.

The beds were completely overgrown with weeds Saturday morning, but by 5pm on Sunday, they looked like this:


That’s some pretty nice dirt, huh? 😉 Here’s the map of what to expect. I’ll be posting updates throughout the summer.


There were many other reasons for feeling happy, accomplished, and loved this week. I’m thankful to say that these are just a few.

The Fast and the Fabulous

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